Book launch- thank you-more to come!
It has been five days since the book launch! As you might can imagine, leading up to Saturday, my mind was overwhelmingly preoccupied with details and planning. And maybe a few fears of the unknown! Who knew so much went into such an event! But when Saturday came, I was determined, and prayed, to just stay in the moment. Details no longer mattered because this was a day I would celebrate the goodness of God. To finally, and openly, share ALL He has done for me with all of you.
It was a beautiful day! I walked into this new chapter with no expectations. I just wanted to let God be God and to stay out of His way. His ways are higher than mine and His will is all that I seek. And as He always does, He showed up!
The outpouring of love and support has been breathtaking. The unbelievable kindness of all of those who stepped up to help me, every person willing and able to come out Saturday, and now the continuous number of supportive messages and requests for copies of the book. I stand in awe. Seriously, mind blown!
However, I have also learned that there are also lots of questions for me. My goal is to answer those here for you! Check back in the next few days for a question/answer post. And if you have specific questions you would like for me to address, message me and I will do my best to include those as well!!!
All my love and thanks!