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God allowed three major disasters to alter the course of my life. They were, without a doubt, the most difficult, saddest, humiliating, horrible, embarrassing, and whatever other negative adjectives you can think of times of my life. I lived the good part of six months in a rolling fog. That slow-rolling fog carried me through the motions of life, but fortunately (or unfortunately), I remember most every vivid detail along the way. Quite often, my coworkers tease me and tell new employees to, “never say anything in front of Nikki that you don’t want remembered. She will remember what you said, who all was there, and probably even what you were wearing.” They aren’t lying! I call my astounding ability to recall almost every detail in every situation both a blessing and a curse. This is especially true in regard to the events that changed my world. There are most definitely things I wish I would not remember so clearly. But then again, maybe God blessed me with this memory so that I could share it all with you. So, as we trudge forward, I pray you feel not only the raw emotions I dealt with, but hopefully you will also sense the love, hope, and grace I found through God and the angels on earth that helped me along the way. And even though things got incredibly difficult at times, I hope you even see a little of the humor I was able to find!

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